Photo Album

Here You will find how to get all the pictures in Harvest Moon 64. 

Picture Name Date How to get it
  Grandpa and Me Spring 1, Year 1 Given to you for starting a game. The picture is of you as a child visiting your Grandpa on the farm.
  Firefly Night Summer 1-5, Year 1 Maria Yellow Heart Summer 1-5, wait at Farm from 6pm on.  She will ask you to go somewhere, say yes. Sometimes you need to see the ankle scene first.
  Swimming Winner Summer 24, Any Year Win the swimming race on Summer 24 in any year. Someone should tell Cliff to get a better loin-cloth or to get a normal pair of shorts.
  Keifu Fairy Dance Fall 7, Year 1 Save the vineyard and Karen will visit you at 6pm on Fall 7.  She must be at a yellow heart and you must have helped her when she sprains her ankle.
  Essence of the Moondrop Fall 8-11, Year 1 You might have to help her with the sprained ankle first.  This one happens kind of weird.  It's Also after the Karen Photo on Fall 7, but before the harvest festival on Fall 12. Therefore you might have to sit outside at 6pm for a few day to see this.
  Cow Festival Winner Fall 4, Any Year Very hard to get in year one, but can easily get after year two.  Simply win the Cow Festival on Fall 4 and the next day three girls will come to your farm and ask for a picture.
  Horse Race Winner Spring 17 or Fall 28, Any Year It's impossible to join the spring 17 one the first year, but the fall 28 is possible.  The day before the race Doug will come and ask you to enter, enter the race and win and you will get this photo taken.
  A Rabbit In Winter Winter 1-5, Year 1 Ann has to be at a yellow heart, you have to help her with the sprained ankle, and IT CANT BE SNOWING.  If its snowing she will not show up.  She will come the second you wake up and ask you to go see this bunny and a picture will be sent to you.
  Completion of Hot Spring Winter sometime, Year 1 You get this if you work every day with the carpenters in the winter on the Hot Springs. You will be paid 1,000G a day.  Sometime in the winter you will hear an eruption, the next day a carpenter will show up and ask for help.  Help them for a week straight to get this picture.
  Dog Race winner Winter 19, Any Year Simply win the dog race. It will take a few tries until your dog gets good enough to win. So just keep trying and you will get this picture.
  Harvest King Fall 12, Any Year &Spring 8, Year 2 + On fall 12 there will be a festival called the harvest festival.  At the festival there will be a random drawing to see who is king.  If you win, on Spring 8 you will be asked to take anyone in the Hot Air balloon with you at the sowing festival.  You will get a picture the next day.  You can ask most villagers not just girls.
  Blue Mist Flower Spring 24-Summer 30, Year 2+ The day after the flower festival in the second year, if you have Popuri at a yellow heart go to the flower shop.  Buy the single seed called the blue mist seed.  Popuri will follow you out and show you how to take care of it.  Water it everyday for a week without missing a day and you will see Popuri standing next to the flower and she will tell you how great it is.  Return about a minute later to the same location she was standing at and the butterfly collector will take your picture.  On Summer 30 if your not married Popuri will come to your farm and ask you to watch the flower explode.
  Getting Married Any Time, Any Year Simply propose to your girlfriend and if she says yes you will be married soon after and get this pic for more detailed instructions see marriage section
  Baby is Born At least 90 days after Married, Any Year Just keep your wife at pink heart for 30 days after getting married.  If so she will be pregnant and have the baby 60 days later.
  Party Picture Summer 1, Year 3 Oh joy the party picture.  This one isn't easy to get, you have to do the following by the evaluation.

Every House Extension
Befriend all of the villagers
Be married with a child.
Have won each festival.
Have the majority of your field cultivated.
Have a decent number of animals.

Cliff/Karen/Kai can't leave the village